November 26, 2007


For the record, they are not fanny bags. They are fuel belts. Age and activity appropriate, thank you very much.

Happy Thanksgiving! And Happy running 13 miles to myself this weekend! I actually surpassed my initial goal of a half marathon. Woo Hoo! I ran from my house to Columbia U. on the west side path and it was a gorgeous day for running. Lesson learned during this training run: there will be no consumption of soy bacon before any run from here on in, and even though my coach would kill me ipods are pretty great when running alone. (Note to self: must download Rocky theme.)

Julia brings me ice packs and a recovery drink.

November 3, 2007


I am excited to report to my donors and would be donors (thank you...) that I ran the most I have ever run in my life (in one day) -- 9 miles! I'll save the fairy tale. Like I felt so great, yippee! Nope. It was pretty much one of the hardest things I've had to do up to this point. I haven't exactly kept it a secret that running doesn't come easy to me. I've spent the majority of my training on just strengthening my muscles to withstand the stresses of running. Not to mention that it was super cold and windy this morning. The inexperienced runner that I am was insufficiently dressed, but with the marathon looming in just about 2 months, I forced myself to go. Running for 2 hours straight starts to make you a little crazy. I was talking to myself (no ipod by the way), looking at the beautiful foliage, and running, and running. Pains were coming from places that I didn't realize could hurt. Luckily, stopping to stretch every half hour made it feel better and helped to break the monotony. My favorite coach Jay gave me two energy gels, which to my surprise are pretty tasty. Vanilla Bean was delish. Afterwards, I took the hottest and longest shower morally allowed. And I ate alot. (No, really ALOT.) Like a hobbit. My body feels pretty worn out, spurning curiousity of how my body will feel 26 miles later. But anyway, I am proud of myself for toughing it out this morning. It wasn't easy. I just had to tell myself that I am doing this for a great cause.

The best part of finishing a run: upside down cat petting.