September 15, 2007


I can't believe it! I survived my first of week of training! And I'm still alive! I'm also ravenous, which is not unlike me, but times it by 2. It's been an amazing first week. I actually feel like I can run a marathon, who knew? Inspired by the generosity of my donors, I've decided to go for the full marathon. I have been so touched and feel truly blessed by such generous and supportive friends. If I haven't said it enough, THANK YOU!

Feasting on delicious Thai Noodles after getting home from a weeknight workout.

September 8, 2007


Today, I am running my first training run. So called a "fun-run," I'm not sure if I've ever known a run to be fun. We'll see what happens. The best I can hope for is that someone else runs my elite speed of 37 minutes a mile.
Ok, so the nerves were talking before. I ran/walked for 30 min with my friend Jenny, who incidentally was also a good friend of Dave's. Before leaving for our run, we heard one of our honored teammates speak who is 3 months out of chemotherapy. He's also doing a marathon. I feel so inspired and really positive. 17 1/2 weeks left!